
<aside> 💡 Raycast AI is free during beta, afterwards it costs as AI-generated content is pricey.

Also, it’s only available for macOS 12+


Welcome to the beta program of Raycast AI! You're one of the first to experience it. Below is a quick video that shows Raycast AI in action. We hope you enjoy it and would love to hear your feedback!


Getting Started

Before using Raycast AI, join our Slack Community and the #raycast-ai-beta channel. Please use the channel to ask questions, share feedback, or provide suggestions. You can download the app here.

There are three main ways to use Raycast AI:

<aside> 👇 You need to be signed in to the Mac app to access all the AI features.


CleanShot 2023-05-04 at 18.22.49.png


Below are a few examples to familiarize yourself with Raycast AI. The examples show how to ask AI something, use the built-in commands, create your own custom commands, and interact with the AI Chat window.

Example 1: Quick AI


Follow the steps to ask AI anything:

  1. Open Raycast
  2. Type your question, f.e. “What were the specs of the first Macintosh?”