<aside> 💡 If you're having issues with listing your Google Drive files in Raycast, please follow this guide and only try the next step if the previous step did not lead to a resolution.
If you receive an error related to permissions with the "Search Google Drive Files" command, first try logging out of the "Google Workspace" extension and then log in again:
If logging out and logging in does not solve the problem, next try removing Raycast from your Google OAuth applications:
If neither logging out and in nor removing the OAuth Raycast application solve the issue, next try overriding the default OAuth permissions that Raycast requests in order to list your files:
Make sure to log out of the "Google Workspace" extension in Raycast (see Step 1)
Quit Raycast
Open the Terminal app
Enter the following line and hit return:
defaults write com.raycast.macos gSuite_oAuthScope -string "<https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email> <https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile> <https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive>"
This adds the permission to "See, edit, create, and delete all of your Google Drive files. (You can find more information about each OAuth permission in the Google documentation)
Restart Raycast