If Raycast is not performing as expected, we may ask you for a debug log to help us fix the issue.

Here's how:

  1. Open your terminal and run the command in step 2 (It’s important to leave it open since it keeps logging to a file on the desktop)
  2. log stream --predicate "subsystem == 'com.raycast.macos'" --level debug --style compact >> ~/Desktop/ray.$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S).log
  3. Switch back to Raycast and try to trigger the issue.
  4. After you have triggered the issue once or twice, go back to the terminal and close the stream by pressing ⌃+c
  5. Locate the file on your desktop called ray.{TiMESTAMP}.log, and send it to the Raycast team to help identify and debug the issues.