You can make your snippets and AI commands dynamic with placeholders. The supported placeholders are:

Name Placeholder Description
Clipboard Text {clipboard} Inserts your last copied text. The placeholder will be removed from the snippet when you use it if you have not copied any text recently.
Snippets {snippet name="…"} Inserts the content of the referenced snippet.
Only snippets which aren’t referencing other snippets can be inserted.
Cursor Position$^1$ {cursor} Moves cursor to the position when pasted directly into an app or injected. Please note that a snippet can contain only one placeholder of this type.
Date$^1$$^3$ {date} Inserts only the current date like 1 Jun 2022.
Time$^1$$^3$ {time} Inserts only the current time like 3:05 pm.
Date & Time$^1$$^3$ {datetime} Inserts both date and time like 1 Jun 2022 at 6:45 pm.
Weekday$^1$$^3$ {day} Inserts the day of the week like Monday.
UUID$^1$$^3$ {uuid} Inserts a universally unique value, such as “E621E1F8-C36C-495A-93FC-0C247A3E6E5F”.
Selected Text$^2$$^3$ {selection} Inserts the selected text from the frontmost application. In the context of the AI Chat, the previous message will be inserted instead.
Argument {argument} Add an input in the search bar. The placeholder will be replaced by the argument’s value.
You can add a maximum of 3 different arguments.
Focused Browser Tab$^2$$^4$ {browser-tab} Inserts the content of the focused browser tab.

$^1$ Only available in Snippets $^2$ Only available in AI Commands $^3$ Only available in Quicklinks $^4$ Only available when the Browser Extension is installed


Using modifiers, you can change the value of a dynamic placeholder using the {clipboard | uppercase} syntax. It works on all placeholders.

There are four different modifiers:

You can specify multiple modifiers in a row: {clipboard | trim | uppercase}.

Depending on where the dynamic placeholder is used (eg. Snippet, AI Commands, or Quicklinks), Raycast might apply some default formatting to its value*:*

If you do not want this default formatting to apply to a placeholder, you can use the special raw modifier (eg. {clipboard | raw}).

Date & Time offset

By default, if you use a date/time placeholder, its value will be set to the current date/time when you insert the snippet. To display a different date/time, you can do offsets using modifiers like +2d, -3M etc. This will change the value from the current date/time to the defined offset.