You can make your snippets and AI commands dynamic with placeholders. The supported placeholders are:

Name Placeholder Description
Clipboard Text {clipboard} Inserts your last copied text. The placeholder will be removed from the snippet when you use it if you have not copied any text recently.
Snippets {snippet name="…"} Inserts the content of the referenced snippet.
Only snippets which aren’t referencing other snippets can be inserted.
Cursor Position¹ {cursor} Moves cursor to the position when pasted directly into an app or injected. Please note that a snippet can contain only one placeholder of this type.
Date¹ {date} Inserts only the current date like 1 Jun 2022.
Time¹ {time} Inserts only the current time like 3:05 pm.
Date & Time¹ {datetime} Inserts both date and time like 1 Jun 2022 at 6:45 pm.
Weekday¹ {day} Inserts the day of the week like Monday.
UUID¹ {uuid} Inserts a universally unique value, such as “E621E1F8-C36C-495A-93FC-0C247A3E6E5F”.
Selected Text² {selection} Inserts the selected text from the frontmost application. In the context of the AI Chat, the previous message will be inserted instead.
Argument {argument} Add an input in the search bar. The placeholder will be replaced by the argument’s value.
Focused Browser Tab²³ {browser-tab} Inserts the content of the focused browser tab.

¹ Only available in Snippets ² Only available in AI Commands ³ Only available when the Browser Extension is installed


Using modifiers, you can change the value of a dynamic placeholder using the {clipboard | uppercase} syntax. It works on all placeholders.

There are four different modifiers:

You can specify multiple modifiers in a row: {clipboard | trim | uppercase}.

Date & Time offset

By default, if you use a date/time placeholder, its value will be set to the current date/time when you insert the snippet. To display a different date/time, you can do offsets using modifiers like +2d, -3M etc. This will change the value from the current date/time to the defined offset.

A modifier is made up of 3 components,

<aside> ℹ️ Please note that a small “m” is used for minutes and a capital “M” is used for months. All units are case sensitive.


You should use spaces inside the braces to separate the modifier from the keyword. Also, you can add multiple modifiers in a single placeholder each separated by a single space.